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New Student

Welcome Students, Parents and Guardians in the Class of 2028!

We are thrilled to officially welcome you as a member of the Casco Bay High School Class of 2028! Congratulations. Thank you so much for your interest in our school. We look forward to working with you to become ready for college, career and citizenship.  We are eager to help you become the person you want to be and the citizen we need you to be.

There will be several events to help with the transition from middle school to high school this spring and summer, highlighted by a New Student Orientation (5:30-6:30pm) and “Family Crew Night” (6:30-8pm) both on Thursday, May 30th. More details will be forthcoming, but please save this date.  Parents and guardians of students in the Class of 2028 are invited to get involved even sooner. Our Parent Advisory Group meets monthly and is open to any CBHS parent. This group advises the principal, promotes parent involvement and helps with securing resources that will improve teaching and learning. Our next meetings are Tuesday, February 13th and Tuesday, March 12th from 5:30-7:00 in our library. Please e-mail us e if you would prefer to join over Zoom or if you would like any additional information. Students and parents can keep informed about school news by following us on social media (follow us on Threads and Instagram @cascobayhs or TikTok ( or like us on Facebook) or by reading our periodic newsletters which you will now begin to receive.  

Good luck with the rest of your eighth-grade year. There is nothing additional you need to do confirm your spot. Accepted students who do not currently attend a PPS middle school should contact our registrar, Ms. Kouame, to begin the registration process.  If you decide to attend another high school outside of PPS, please let us know promptly as we do have a sizable wait list of students for the Class of 2028; if you choose to relinquish your spot, an eighth-grader's parent or guardian should please phone or e-mail Casco Bay High School directly. Otherwise, we look forward to having you as a member of our crew when we launch our four-year learning expedition next September. We have had a remarkably successful first nineteen years, but we know our school is only going to get better – because of you.


Derek Pierce
Priya Natarajan
Assistant Principal


Course Sign-Up Information

We wanted to give you additional information related to courses for 9th graders at Casco Bay High School. Freshmen and sophomores take a core curriculum of six, yearlong courses that enables students to build foundational skills and knowledge in math, science, and the humanities while participating in interdisciplinary learning expeditions. All freshmen and sophomores take math, science, humanities (English and social studies), and crew. In addition, all freshmen take a year of Visual Arts, and all sophomores take a year of integrated health and physical education - Wellness. For a sixth course, 9th and 10th graders can take Chinese, French, Spanish, Academic Language (for EL students) or, for some students with an IEP, Academic Strategies. The typical freshman course load is: Humanities 1 (English), Humanities 1 (Social Studies), Biology, Geometry, Visual Arts, and Freshman Crew (Advisory) – as well as a choice of Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, French 1, French 2, French 3, Chinese 1, Chinese 2, Academic Language 1 or Academic Strategies. We will be reaching out in the coming weeks to get your child’s preference for this sixth course.

High School Assignment Letter

Dear Student and Family,

We are writing to let you know that you have been assigned to high school as a member of the Class of 2028! We look forward to supporting you as you get ready to enter high school. Attached to this letter, you will find a welcome letter from your high school with information about the transition and what to expect before school starts this fall.

If you are currently enrolled in the Portland Public Schools, you do not need to do anything in order to accept your assignment. If you are not currently enrolled in the Portland Public Schools, you will need to complete the registration process. More information can be found on the Enrollment page on our website. 

As a reminder, your assignment is for the duration of the coming school year. Transfers between high schools will not be considered until after the completion of ninth grade.

If you would like to appeal your assignment, please click here for consideration. Appeals will only be considered if there is space at the requested school and at least one of the following criteria are met: 

  • You are a child of a staff member at the requested school.
  • You are a sibling of another student already enrolled in the requested school.
  • You have documented issues of safety or harassment related to the school assignment.
  • You are a child of any PPS staff member.

We look forward to partnering with you and your family as you begin your journey through high school to graduate prepared and empowered for college and career.

Aaron Townsend
Deputy Superintendent