CBHS athletes participate in every sport that Portland schools offer, from football to sailing, from field hockey to cross-country skiing. CBHS students have the option of participating in the co-curricular programs of Portland or Deering High SchoolsCBHS students declare that either Portland or Deering will be their school for co-curriculars. Once this designation is made and a student has begun at CBHS or with PPS sports, it cannot be changed. Please note students can participate in the co-curricular programs of Portland or Deering High Schools but not both. CBHS students are also eligible to participate in any co-curricular activity offered by their declared school – as long as this offering is not replicated at CBHS. CBHS students must meet the same eligibility requirements and undergo the same audition or tryout process as DHS or PHS students.
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Activity & Athletic Trips
CBHS students can use the METRO to get practices after school each day. We will also accommodate special transportation needs, such as early dismissals for away games.
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