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Student Life

Casco Bay High School is committed to providing a balanced, inclusive, and diversified co-curricular program of activities as an important dimension of student learning.  Co-curricular participation is often a great predictor of an adult’s success.

Students at Casco Bay

Casco Bay High School’s student body is demographically representative of Portland, intentionally so.  Our goal is to be a great option for any Portland teen who is well-served by a smaller school and/or the Expeditionary Learning approach.  About 15% of our students receive special education services and about 20% are considered English Language Learners.  About 50% receive free or reduced lunch. 

Casco Bay Quest

Casco Bay prides itself on being an inclusive community where each student feels free to be – and to develop – his or her best self.  One way to get an inside glimpse into the workings of our community is to check out our high school choice video. Casco Bay Quest is an innovative orientation experience based on Cow Island for all freshmen and seniors at Casco Bay that promotes community, citizenship and leadership through writing and kayaking and adventure-based learning. We partner with two other organizations to make this happen: the Telling Room and Rippleffect.

Learn more about Casco Bay Quest

Intimate Learning Experience

Because of available space and staffing, we are capped at how many students we can enroll in each grade. In the fall of 2013, we expanded to up to 97 students in grades 9 and 10 to better meet community demand while still remaining a fundamentally small school. In the fall of 2015. we reached our full capacity of about 400 students. Regardless of the wait list, student enrollment does shift. Interested students are still encouraged to submit a Transfer Form:

Casco Bay High School Transfer Form

Transition to High School Steps & Timelines