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Cbhs Press

The pandemic showed us that education was broken. It also showed us how to fix it.

If a measure of a society is how well it takes care of its young, the past nine months are a damning indictment of our nation.

Parents and teachers have been working overtime under impossible circumstances., and states have prioritized keeping gyms and restaurants open over keeping schools open. A result is that about 48 percent of all students are still in full-time virtual instruction (another 18 percent are in hybrid), according to Burbio, a company that tracks school calendars. These rates are higher among poor students and students of color. This is shameful — private schools holding classes under tents on spacious campuses while poor students are sitting outside McDonalds to get internet access.

Read More about CBHS featured in New York Times editorial by Harvard Professor (opens in new window/tab)

We’re very excited to celebrate the three Grand Prize winners of this year’s Make It Real challenge. This year’s contest was directed at educators in New England interested in teaching their students how to make a difference through design.

Each of the three Grand Prize winners will receive makerspace tools based on their grade level: Elementary, Middle, and High School. The prize packages include an Ultimaker 3 3D Printer, Dremel DigiLab Laser Cutter (for high school,) and ten Chromebooks (for the elementary and middle schools.) In total, Autodesk is giving away over $30,000 in prizes to the three winners.

Read More about CBHS Engineering Students win Grand Prize in New England Design Competition (opens in new window/tab)

"We like to go on literal adventures in Crew... but we all know that we are experiencing something singular in our lifetime and we need our Crew to help navigate this." --Derek Pierce, Principal 

See how Casco Bay High School, an EL Education school in Portland, Maine, re-envisions their traditions during the physical distancing forced by Covid19, to sustain and build community.

Read More about EL Education highlights how CBHS re-imagines key traditions during remote learning (opens in new window/tab)