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Parent Advisory Group

CBHS’s Parent Advisory Group (PAG) is the parent association of CBHS and is open to all parents. PAG meets once a month with the principal to discuss topical issues and events related to the school and to teenagers and their families. PAG meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:00pm. You can find details about upcoming meeting and events for the 22-23 school year here. This document also lists our PAG leaders and their contact information. 

The purposes of the Parent Advisory Group are:

  • To advise the principal on select issues.

  • To facilitate communication between the school and the parent body (and the broader community).

  • To promote parent involvement and education at Casco Bay High School.

  • To lead efforts to appreciate CBHS staff.

  • To provide feedback on new proposals and initiatives.

  • To assist with fundraising and securing resources that will improve teaching and learning.

  • To support one another as parents of teens.

PAG is a  tax-exempt 501 3c and conducts fundraisers throughout the year to support CBHS scholarships, needed upgrades for school equipment not funded by the school department, faculty projects, and hallmark CBHS programs such as Intensives and Casco Bay Quests. PAG’s primary fundraisers are:

  • Annual Appeal – A direct appeal to CBHS families (in the fall) and to the extended family and friends of the CBHS community (in the spring) for donations to help defray the costs of the many programs unique to CBHS.
  • Math Cup (March) – Student math teams compete against math teams from local businesses.
  • Arts and Music Fest (May) – A showcase of CBHS artists, musicians and performers as well as a great community event with terrific food as well as local crafters and artists. 

All parents are encouraged to volunteer for some of the activities throughout the year. Your support will help make each event a success.

To learn more, please visit:

CBHS Parent Advisory Group Website