Regular, punctual school and class attendance is essential to a student’s educational success. Students are expected to attend school every day unless they have an excused absence.
Going to school is important for your child's success.
When they miss too many days, it can be harmful to their academic progress. Regular attendance is important to achieving good grades. If your child can't go to school, you must explain why to the school. This is called an "excused absence". It happens when your child is absent for a valid reason, like being sick, having a doctor's appointment, a legal appointment, or a family emergency. If you know your student will not be in school, it is important to let the school know in advance or as soon as possible.
If your child is not in school, it is important to always contact the school and explain why:
Excused absences are defined by Maine law and School Board policy as follows:
- personal illness;
- an appointment with a health professional that must be made during the school day;
- observance of a religious holiday;
- a family emergency;
- or a planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved in advance by the school.
Students are expected to be in class at the designated time. Students arriving late miss learning and cause disruptions to the educational environment. But if your child missed the bus or had a morning appointment, they can still go to school even if they are late or "tardy". "Tardy' " means arriving at school after the day has started. If your child has a reason for being late to school, you can explain or excuse their tardiness to the school.
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- Students who arrive late for the first class of the day should report directly to their first class. For a tardy to be excused, a student must either present to the teacher a signed note by a parent/guardian with a legitimate reason, or the parent/guardian must call the main office. “Oversleeping” will result in an unexcused tardy.
- A student who misses more than half of a class will be considered absent from that class.
- If you are unexcused absent or tardy, any classwork, homework, or formative assessment work missed as a result of this absence or tardy will not be accepted and graded. Feedback and support around that work will only be available during Block 7, and the unexcused class time will be reflected in HOWL grades.
- If a student is unexcused (tardy or absent) for a summative assessment, then that work will not be accepted. See the late work policy above for more details.
- When there is a pattern of a student being tardy (3 or more) or one unexcused absent (e.g.: cut) of a class (including crew and academic support), there will be tiered interventions that will begin with phone calls home and escalate with continued recurrence to consequences that could include attendance contracts, parental meetings. required Block 7’s, community service, suspensions and/or loss of opportunity for academic credit.
Planned Absence Form
The Request for Absence Form is used for students who know they will be out of school for a planned period of time. This form will allow the student to have the absence excused ahead of time and will also serve as notice to the teachers that the student will be out.
The form can also be obtained from the Main Office.
For more information, please refer to the following board policies:
CBHS Attendance Policy
The educational research is clear; regular, punctual school and class attendance is essential to a student’s educational success. Students are expected to attend school every day unless they have an excused absence.
What’s It Take at CBHS to Be ON TRACK for College and Career Success?
Excused Absences
Excused absences are defined by Maine law and School Board policy as follows: personal illness; an appointment with a health professional that must be made during the school day; observance of a religious holiday; a family emergency; or a planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved in advance by the school. Other absences are considered unexcused and may result in disciplinary and academic consequences. Please report an excused absence by calling our attendance line (207-874-8270) or emailing Students may also bring a written note to the Main Office when returning to school. Students with a note, phone call or email explaining a legitimate absence will be “EXCUSED” for attendance records. All others will be marked “UNEXCUSED.” Students are expected to arrange for and complete make-up work for excused absences. Teachers may establish deadlines for submission of make-up work.
Unexcused Absences and Academic Courses
Any unexcused absence negatively impacts your learning (and your HOWL grade); it can also be a detriment to your classmates who benefit from your perspective and collaboration. Finally, it creates an additional burden on teachers who need to figure out how to catch you up on missed instruction. Any student who has 5 or more unexcused absences in an academic course during a quarter will not be able to earn UPs in that course without 1) meeting all course standards and 2) completing an Attendance Remediation Contract. Students who meet course standards but have 5 or more unexcused absences will receive a grade of 2. The Attendance Remediation Contract must be successfully completed within the Incomplete Period that lasts two weeks after the quarter’s conclusion or the 2 will become permanent. Attendance Remediation Contracts are available outside the principal’s office.
Crew Attendance
Crew is, fundamentally, about being there for one another, every day. Consistent attendance is the core of the Build Community Course Standard in Crew. Your presence in crew matters and is essential to both your ability to contribute to the building of community in crew and to your benefitting from it. Consistent attendance in crew will help you function effectively on a team, develop productive relationships, and acquire the social and emotional skills necessary for lifelong success. Consistent Crew attendance helps to earn .25 UPs toward graduation each quarter. Any student with 5 or more unexcused absences to Crew in a quarter will not earn UPs in crew for that quarter. If a student meets other Crew standards, but not the Build Community standard, they would earn a 2. If all other Crew standards are met, a student may strive to earn crew UPs through an Attendance Remediation Contract one time only.
Intensives Attendance
If a student has one excused/unexcused absence during intensives week, it is still possible for a student to meet standards for the week. If a student has two excused absences, then they can either:
a) Participate in the rest of the Intensive and not receive a grade.
b) At teacher discretion, when appropriate, work out a plan to meet remaining standards within an agreed upon time period (2 weeks maximum). These students receive a grade of INC in the interim.
Students who miss more than one intensive day unexcused will not be able to meet standards.
Unexcused Absences that Should Be Excused Absences
If a staff member determines that an absence labeled unexcused really fits the definition of an excused absence, but that the student’s family is unable to communicate that (eg: because of language or resource barriers), then the staff member will inform an administrator that the coding of the absence should be changed. If a staff member would like to request that a series of unexcused absences should be changed, then the staff member would seek approval first from an administrator who will convey any approved changes to the registrar.
Unexcused Absences With Extenuating Circumstances
If a staff member determines that a student’s unexcused absences are related to extenuating circumstances beyond their control (eg: family problems, living in abusive households, familial obligations, mental health, homelessness, etc), then the staff member can propose to an administrator that the absences in question be considered as equivalent to excused absences.
The administrator will then convey any approved changes to the registrar. Unexcused absences within a student’s control (eg: sleeping in, skipping school, not parent approved) will continue to carry academic consequences.
In 2023 the New Teacher Center profiled Casco Bay students in a video designed to depict what our “culture of being known, seen, and celebrated feels like, and how their academic and life goals have been impacted.”
(Planned) Absence Form
The Request for Absence Form is used for students who know they will be out of school for a planned period of time. This form will allow the student to have the absence excused ahead of time and will also serve as notice to the teachers that the student will be out. The form can be obtained from the Main Office.
Students are expected to be in class at the designated time. Students arriving late miss learning and cause disruptions to the educational environment.
- Students who arrive late for the first class of the day should report directly to their first class. For a tardy to be excused, a student must either present to the teacher a signed note by a parent/guardian with a legitimate reason, or the parent/guardian must call the main office. “Oversleeping” will result in an unexcused tardy.
- A student who misses more than half of a class will be considered absent from that class.
- If you are unexcused absent or tardy, any classwork, homework or formative assessment work missed as a result of this absence or tardy will not be accepted and graded. Feedback and support around that work will only be available during Block 7, and the unexcused class time will be reflected in HOWL grades.
- If a student leaves class without permission and/or is out for more than 10 minutes unexcused, then the students will receive a HOWL grade of 1 and any missed work can only be made up during Block 7.
- If a student is unexcused (tardy or absent) for a summative assessment, then that work will not be accepted. See the late work policy above for more details.
- When there is a pattern of excessive tardiness, missed class time (3 or more)) or unexcused absences (2 or more) of a class, including crew and academic support, there will be a tiered intervention strategy, which will always begin with communication home from class teachers and/or crew advisors. If initial interventions do not change the student’s attendance pattern, then the grade-level team may ask for escalated consequences and involvement from the Student Support Team, which could include attendance contracts, parent/guardian meetings, required Block 7’s, Community Council referrals, loss of extracurricular eligibility, and/or loss of academic credit.
For more details on the School Board's related student absence policies (Student Attendance/Absences/ Tardiness (JEAA) and Student Absences and Excuses (JH)), please go to the “policy” link at the district website.
- CBHS Student Handbook
Compulsory School Attendance
Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Compulsory School Attendance
Code: JEA
Status: Active
Adopted: January 4, 2003
Last Revised: October 5, 2021
Last Reviewed: November 1, 2015
Compulsory education is essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people and the continued prosperity of our nation. Maintaining regular student attendance is necessary to achieve the goal of an educated citizenry.
Compulsory Attendance Ages
Under state law, full-time attendance at school is required of every child between 6 years of age and under age 17, unless they have received a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Although not required to enroll in school, if a child who is 5 years of age and under age 6 is voluntarily enrolled in a public school and has not formally withdrawn, that child is required to attend school when it is in session.
Excusable Absences from School
A person’s absence from school is excused when the absence is for one of the following reasons:
- Personal illness;
- An appointment with a health professional that must be made during the regular school day;
- Observance of a recognized religious holiday when the observance is required during the regular school day;
- A family emergency;
- A planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved; or
- Education disruption resulting from homelessness, unplanned psychiatric hospitalization, unplanned hospitalization for a medical emergency, foster care placement, youth development center placement or some other out-of-district placement that is not otherwise authorized by an IEP or other education plan or Superintendents’ agreement.
Adult Responsibility for School Attendance
Parents or other adults having control of a person of compulsory attendance age are responsible for
ensuring that a student attends school as required by law. The Portland Board of Public Education (“Board”) expects school administrators and staff to work with families in an effort to ensure compliance.
Exceptions to the Compulsory Attendance Requirement
A child may be excused from compulsory attendance at school if they meet the requirements in one of the following sections:
A. They have graduated from high school before that person’s 17th birthday;
B. They have:
Reached the age of 15 years of age or completed the 9th grade;
Obtained permission to leave school from their parent;
Been approved by the principal for a suitable program of work and study or training;
Obtained permission to leave school from the Board or its designee; and
Agreed in writing with that person’s parent and the Board or its designee to meet annually until that person’s 17th birthday to review that person’s educational needs.
If a request to be excused from school is denied pursuant to this section, the student’s parent may appeal to the Commissioner of Education.
- They have matriculated and are attending an accredited, post-secondary, degree-granting institution as a full-time student. An exception to the compulsory attendance law under this paragraph must be approved by the Commissioner of Education.
- They are enrolled in an online learning program or course.
Alternatives to Attendance in Public School
A person who is age 6 or older and under age 17 shall be excused from attending a public day school if they obtain equivalent instruction as allowed by law. A person under age 6 is not required to comply with this section.
Equivalent instruction alternatives are as follows:
- A private school approved for attendance purposes pursuant to state law and regulations;
- A private school recognized by the Department of Education as providing equivalent instruction;
- A home instruction program that complies with state law and regulations;
- Any other manner arranged by the Board and approved by the Commissioner of Education; or
- Pursuant to 20-A MRS Sections 5104-A or 8605 (approved alternative education program or adult education program).
A student shall be credited with attendance at a private school under Paragraphs A or B only if the legally required certificate from the private school is filed with the student’s school unit.
20-A MRS §§ 5001-A et seq; 5051; 5104-A
Cross References
Book: J
Section: Students
Title: Truancy
Code: JHB
Status: Active
Adopted: January 3, 2007
Last Revised: December 19, 2023
I. Definition
A student is truant if the student:
A. Is subject to the compulsory attendance law;
B. And
1. Has completed grade six and has the equivalent of 10 full days of unexcused absences or seven consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year; or
2. Is at least seven years of age and has not completed grade six and has the equivalent of seven full days of unexcused absences or five consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year. Truancy under this paragraph is considered “child abuse and neglect” under Maine law and is reportable to the Department of Health and Human Services.
3. A child 5 years of age or older who has been voluntarily enrolled in school; has not completed grade 6; and has the equivalent of 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive days of unexcused absences during a school year. Such a child will be considered truant if he/she has the equivalent of 7 full days of unexcused absences or 5 consecutive school days of unexcused absences during a school year. Truancy under this paragraph is considered “child abuse and neglect” under Maine law and is reportable to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) when the truancy is the result of neglect by a person responsible for the child.
II. Attendance Coordinators[i]
The Superintendent/designee shall appoint one or more attendance coordinators in accordance with state law.
III. Truancy Procedure
As required by law, the following procedure shall be followed when a student is truant.
A. The principal, upon determining that a student is truant under Section I, shall notify the Superintendent within five school days of the last unexcused absence.
B. A student who is determined to be truant shall be referred by the Superintendent to the school’s (student assistance team OR general education intervention system) within five school days.
C. The team shall meet and determine the cause of the truancy and assess the impact of the student’s past and possible future absences on the student. If it is determined that the absences have a negative effect, the team shall develop an intervention plan to address the student’s absences and any negative effects.
The intervention plan may include, but is not limited to:
1. Frequent communication between the teacher(s) and the family
2. Changes in the learning environment;
3. Mentoring;
4. Student counseling;
5. Tutoring, including peer tutoring;
6. Placement into different classes;
7. Consideration of multiple pathways of learning as allowed by law;
8. Attendance contracts;
9. Referral to family services agencies; and
10. Other interventions, including but not limited to referral to the school attendance coordinator, student assistance team or dropout prevention committee.
The Plan should also address how future absences of the student will be dealt with; the timeline for particular activities; and periodic reports to the Superintendent on the student’s progress in complying with the plan.
D. The student and parents/legal guardians will be invited to attend any meetings scheduled to discuss truancy and the intervention plan. Failure of the student and/or parents/legal guardian to attend any scheduled meetings shall not preclude the school from implementing an intervention plan.
E. If the intervention plan does not correct the student’s truancy, the Superintendent shall send written notice to the parent that the student’s attendance is required by law. The Superintendent may make 2 documented attempts to serve (or cause to be served) the notice by certified mail. The notice shall:
1. State the student is required to attend school pursuant to 20-A MRSA §5001-A (the compulsory attendance law);
2. Explain the parent’s/legal guardian’s right to inspect the student’s attendance records, attendance coordinator’s reports, and principal’s reports;
3. Explain that the failure to send the student to school and maintain the student in regular attendance is a civil violation in accordance with 20-A MRSA §5053-A and will jeopardize the student’s status in his/her current grade;
4. State that the Superintendent may notify local law enforcement authorities of a violation of 20-A MRSA §5053-A, and, if the violation falls under Section I.C or I.D, must notify the Department of Health and Human Services; and
5. Outline the intervention plan developed to address the student’s habitual truancy and the steps that have been taken to implement that plan.
F. Prior to notifying local law enforcement authorities, the Superintendent shall schedule at least one meeting of the student assistance team as required in Paragraph III.C and may invite a local prosecutor.
G. If after three school days after the 2nd attempted service of the notice described in Section III.EC of this policy the student remains truant and the parent/legal guardian and student refuse to attend the meeting referred to in Section III.DE, the Superintendent shall report the facts of the unlawful absence to local law enforcement authorities. Local law enforcement may proceed with enforcement action unless the student is at once placed in an appropriate school or otherwise meets the requirements of the compulsory attendance law.
H. When a student is determined to be truant and in violation of the compulsory attendance law, and the student assistance team has made a good faith attempt to meet the requirements of Section III.C, the Superintendent shall notify the Board of the truancy.
IV. Annual Report to Commissioner
The Superintendent shall submit an annual report regarding truancy to the Commissioner of Education by October 1. The report must identify the number of truants in the school administration unit in the preceding school year; describe the school unit’s efforts to deal with truancy; account for actions brought under truancy law, including the number of truants referred to the student assistance team; and include any other information on truancy requested by the Commissioner.
Legal Reference: 20-A MRSA §§ 5001-A; 5051-A-5054-A
22 MRSA § 4002(1); (6)(B-2)
Cross Reference: JEA – Compulsory School Attendance
JFC – Dropout Prevention Committee
JLF – Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect
Adopted: January 3, 2007
Revised: April 16, 2008; December 6, 2016, December 19, 2023
[i] An attendance coordinator must be a professionally certified or registered person in the mental health, social welfare or educational system who is qualified to carry out the duties in accordance with rules to be established by the State Board of Education. See MRSA 20-A §5052-A.
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