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Regular, punctual school and class attendance is essential to a student’s educational success. Students are expected to attend school every day unless they have an excused absence. 

Going to school is important for your child's success.

When they miss too many days, it can be harmful to their academic progress. Regular attendance is important to achieving good grades. If your child can't go to school, you must explain why to the school. This is called an "excused absence". It happens when your child is absent for a valid reason, like being sick, having a doctor's appointment, a legal appointment, or a family emergency. If you know your student will not be in school, it is important to let the school know in advance or as soon as possible.

If your child is not in school, it is important to always contact the school and explain why:


Excused absences are defined by Maine law and School Board policy as follows:

  • personal illness;
  • an appointment with a health professional that must be made during the school day;
  • observance of a religious holiday;
  • a family emergency;
  • or a planned absence for a personal or educational purpose which has been approved in advance by the school.


Students are expected to be in class at the designated time. Students arriving late miss learning and cause disruptions to the educational environment. But if your child missed the bus or had a morning appointment, they can still go to school even if they are late or "tardy". "Tardy' " means arriving at school after the day has started. If your child has a reason for being late to school, you can explain or excuse their tardiness to the school.

Planned Absence Form

The Request for Absence Form is used for students who know they will be out of school for a planned period of time. This form will allow the student to have the absence excused ahead of time and will also serve as notice to the teachers that the student will be out.

Planned Absence Form

The form can also be obtained from the Main Office.

For more information, please refer to the following board policies: