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CBHS has a rigorous curriculum and promotes a high level of student engagement through realworld learning focused on issues of concern to teenagers. All students will meet college entrance requirements by graduation and will be proficient in the core subject areas of English, math, science, and social studies. We also place a strong emphasis on world language, wellness and the arts. Staff members take students to visit colleges and assist them through the college application and financial aid process, especially in Crew and Senior Humanities.

Building Character and an Ethic of Service

Students learn that values such as collaboration, perseverance, and craftsmanship are essential to the production of high quality work. Casco Bay's paramount values - best represented in the Pathways to Success (p 9) - are routinely assessed, reflected upon and taught. Service to the community is an ethic that permeates CBHS. Students will experience authentic service to the community as an important element of their academic work, including expeditions. At CBHS, we are all crew, not passengers. Each year has its own theme designed to build character by providing numerous opportunities to learn, practice and demonstrate the trait.

9th Grade: Community 10th Grade: Stewardship
11th Grade: Service 12th Grade: Leadership