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Fast Facts & Testimonials

Founded in 2005, CBHS is a school of choice for nearly 400 students (9-12)

98% of our Casco Bay graduates have been accepted to college

CBHS offers 30 to 40 student run clubs and activities each year

Casco Bay is a lead school in the EL Education national school reform network. 

Each year 50-60% of CBHS seniors earn college credit before they graduate

Casco Bay High School is featured as one of the “eight innovative public schools” that are “transforming education in the twenty-first century.” 

- Monica Martinez and Dennis McGrath
In Deeper Learning

In the 2021 TNTP survey, 100% of CBHS staff agreed, “There are many teachers at my school who set an example of what highly effective teaching looks like.” & “My school is a good place to teach and learn.”

“[O]ur team has been particularly impressed with the broad and rich learning opportunities that Casco Bay offers all students, and the myriad ways you extend students' learning options through authentic, community-focused activities, meaningful assessments of students’ understanding, and relevant, inquiry-based professional development for your staff.”

- National Education Policy Center, May 2019

“Casco offered me humanity and activism, passion and devotion. When I walk out of these doors, I will leave with a bigger heart.”  - Ange Izere, Final Word 2018

“Casco Bay is a shining example of what’s possible when schools embrace proficiency-based learning and a project-based curriculum.... Casco Bay gets results.”

- Bob Moore, CEO Dead River Company

"Casco Bay teachers support students to become not just effective learners, but also ethical individuals who contribute to building a more just, equitable world."

-Educational Leadership, April 2020

“Casco Bay High School is deepening the practice of student- centered learning...  CBHS is a proven leader of putting students at the center and leveraging community support to lay a strong foundation so that all learners will succeed at high levels.” 

- Nicholas Donuhue
Former President and CEO of the Nellie Mae Foundation

In 2019, the National Education Policy Center selected CBHS as a “School of Opportunity (Gold Level),” one of six nationwide.

"When I pack for college, I’ll make sure to fill my luggage with my relationships I’ve had during high school that I know will last a lifetime. I’ll stuff in the heart-warming memories of Movin’ On Ups and sharing stories with my crew over a campfire. And I’ll fold up and tuck into a front pocket the wonderful skill that Casco has taught me above all else, the skill that reminds me I will be okay no matter how far away from my family I might be - how to make a home.”- Maya Denkmire, Final Word  2021

"I think I would have been fine if I went to another school…. But I wouldn’t have known how it feels to kayak at six in the morning while the rain kisses the water around me…. I wouldn’t have known the quiet peace of crew, of understanding thirteen other people and knowing that they understand you on a level that words could never communicate. I wouldn’t have known how vivid and loud and sometimes terrifying and sometimes beautiful the world outside the walls could be. So thank you, Casco Bay, for showing me how many colors there are."   

- Grace Victor, Final Word 2017